Taking the Road Unknown

Taking the Road Unknown

The summer of 2014 was full of change.  I’m overwhelmed with emotion when I realize just how much.  It’s a rush of joy, tinge of sadness at letting go and hope for the future.  Sounds corny saying that aloud!  It’s true though. I wish I would have...
2 Years Today – wow, crazy!

2 Years Today – wow, crazy!

I’m not sure why I waited so long to write an update.  There has been so much change going on that I guess I couldn’t really wrap my head around it to write.  I still don’t think I’ve totally grasped everything, but writing about it is a good...

TLC Me – Update #1

This was the post I started in September: I started out walking 1.8 miles.  First by myself, then with my dogs.  Finally, my next door neighbor decided to join.  I love my dogs, however it’s really nice having a friend participate in the morning workout.  I...

Tender Loving Care for Me, my TLC ME Mission

I’ve realized that somewhere along the way I stopped “taking care of myself.”  I use to hate it when I heard that phrase. However, it’s really true.  I can’t help others, until I’ve investing time and energy helping myself. I...

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