Mar 22, 2013
This week in March has been difficult emotionally. At the time I didn’t realize, however it’s been clear this week that Colby passed away the week of Garrick’s birthday. My heart goes out to my mom who has the burden of remembering a birthday and...
Jan 29, 2013
It’s the days full of frustration, crazy laughter, or lots of tears that make a big impact on me. It’s those moments when I’m laughing so hard that I’m crying, the thought pops into my head…I can’t wait to tell Dad about this joke....
Jan 23, 2013
Learning to deal with loss is like changing a dirty diaper, it stinks – but you have to do it! And, honestly, if you don’t the baby would be removed from your care due to neglect…your mind can’t be removed from your body, but your body can...
Oct 5, 2012
I guess for some people prepaying for your funeral expenses seems morbid. STOP! Instead think about your family and how you planning for that unexpected day could be an amazing gift. One of the best gifts my dad gave me was planning financially for the funeral. He...
Sep 20, 2012
After experiencing significant loss over the last 2 years, I learned that coping with the grief comes in many forms. 1. I became more appreciative of certain things that although I might not be able to blow off my daily responsibilities to explore the world I can...