The holiday season isn’t always happy, go lucky

The holiday season isn’t always happy, go lucky

The holiday season brings to mind happy thoughts and fun times.  I enjoy the singing of Christmas songs, decorating the house and shopping to find that extra special gift; though, the honest truth is that it is also really stressful.  From the money perspective to...

Tender Loving Care for Me, my TLC ME Mission

I’ve realized that somewhere along the way I stopped “taking care of myself.”  I use to hate it when I heard that phrase. However, it’s really true.  I can’t help others, until I’ve investing time and energy helping myself. I...

Lessons Learned

After experiencing significant loss over the last 2 years, I learned that coping with the grief comes in many forms. 1.  I became more appreciative of certain things that although I might not be able to blow off my daily responsibilities to explore the world I can...

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