Dealing With It On Father’s Day

It’s been 5 years.  The thing is this; you can grieve, work through the grief to a place of acceptance, continue living.  In doing all those things, you don’t forget.  You still get emotional.  Every year I think that I’ve got it under control. By...

Settling In

Well, my goal of writing more in 2015 hasn’t happened, yet!  I still have the rest of the year to make a come back.  Here’s my first post about the move. We packed up in freezing, snowing weather.  Then, we drove across country in a pick-up and U-haul...

You Only Think You Have Time

It’s not like I try to take time for granted.  There is just always so much to do.  And when I do have a moment to spare, can’t I just do something fun?  I’ve definitely learned the hard way not to leave words unspoken.  I thought for sure that I had...

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