Breaking the Silence

Breaking the Silence

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” – Maya Angelou Pushing away the fear and nervousness. Writing to you, breaking the silence. Born in a very small town in Oklahoma. I was 6 years old when the touching started. Confused and not...
Running in Place

Running in Place

Ever feel like you’ve been putting in hours of work on something but you don’t seem to be making progress? That was how it felt when I first started on my healing journey. It was if I was running in place or on a treadmill and never getting anywhere. I...
The Weeds

The Weeds

There is a parable in the Bible about the farmer that sowed good seeds, but while everyone was sleeping the enemy came and planted weeds. The weeds couldn’t be pulled up or removed immediately because it would negatively impact the good seeds. Therefore, for a...
Take The Step

Take The Step

It’s easy to skim over and talk about holiday stress and list off some reasons. It’s fairly easy to describe some ways to relieve the stress.  What’s the difficult part? Really talking about the why. The why means being vulnerable and opening myself...

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