Laughing Through Pain

Laughing Through Pain

Sometimes when I’m having a bad day or things aren’t going my way, I get caught in the trap. You know, the “No one understands” or the “my hurt is worse than your hurt” trap. When I realize that I am feeding into this type of...


Ever feel misunderstood? Or, that ______(insert a friend or family member name here) just doesn’t understand why or how upset you are? Or, that no one could possibly feel as hurt as you feel? You’ve heard that saying that perception is in the eye of the...
Friends or Enemies?

Friends or Enemies?

Words may not break bones, but they absolutely do hurt. We’ve all experienced words said to or about us that hurt. I know I have, and I continued to hang on to that hurt. I let those painful scars influence how I interacted with others. I never knew if we were...

Unexpected Joy of Adoption

Harley was there when Colby passed away.  I don’t know how dogs think, but I’m sure it must have been confusing for your master, caretaker not to wake up.  A friend kept Harley for a couple of days until my mom and I could make the trip.  I hadn’t...

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