During my morning commute, I stumbled upon Joel Osteen on Sirius radio.  He was talking about peace.  Something in the message really made an impact on me.  I guess I needed to hear it.  Maybe you do too.  Here’s my takeaway:

We hope, pray and wish for the “drama” to stop or specific circumstances to change.  In the midst of it, however, we allow our lives to get disrupted and ourselves to get frustrated.   We need to stop thinking that when things change we’ll have peace.  We can already have peace.  How we choose, how I choose to react to a situation determines whether I will have peace.  It’s much easier to say than do.  It is true though.  Don’t let a situation, a person, job or anything else steal the peace in your heart.

I found this book from the ministry that speaks to living a life of peace. Living a life of peace doesn’t happen by accident. We have to make choices in our lives that steer us towards peace. Click here to purchase – Living a Life of Peace (Experience the Peace of God in the Storms of Life)

If you’d like to hear Joel Osteen’s official sermon, you can find it here – http://castroller.com/podcasts/JoelOsteenVideo/2189931

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