Nov 14, 2018
Ever feel misunderstood? Or, that ______(insert a friend or family member name here) just doesn’t understand why or how upset you are? Or, that no one could possibly feel as hurt as you feel? You’ve heard that saying that perception is in the eye of the...
Oct 31, 2018
Words may not break bones, but they absolutely do hurt. We’ve all experienced words said to or about us that hurt. I know I have, and I continued to hang on to that hurt. I let those painful scars influence how I interacted with others. I never knew if we were...
Oct 15, 2018
Growing up, pretending was my go-to coping mechanism. I remember vividly being 12 years old and moving for the third time. The anger and hurt welled up inside me, but on the outside I pretended to be this happy go lucky girl. My “I don’t care”...
Dec 16, 2016
The holiday season brings to mind happy thoughts and fun times. I enjoy the singing of Christmas songs, decorating the house and shopping to find that extra special gift; though, the honest truth is that it is also really stressful. From the money perspective to...
Mar 22, 2013
This week in March has been difficult emotionally. At the time I didn’t realize, however it’s been clear this week that Colby passed away the week of Garrick’s birthday. My heart goes out to my mom who has the burden of remembering a birthday and...