One Way or Another

One Way or Another

Learning to deal with loss is like changing a dirty diaper, it stinks – but you have to do it!  And, honestly, if you don’t the baby would be removed from your care due to neglect…your mind can’t be removed from your body, but your body can...

Lessons Learned

After experiencing significant loss over the last 2 years, I learned that coping with the grief comes in many forms. 1.  I became more appreciative of certain things that although I might not be able to blow off my daily responsibilities to explore the world I can...

Horror at Home

I’ll never forget my daughter’s scream that day.  By the tone in her voice I knew something was really wrong.  I called a friend and asked her to come over immediately.  I told my daughter to dial 911 while I went downstairs to check on Dad.  I knew when I...

Getting Healthy or Not

“Something’s wrong with Papa!!!!” – This is the scream I heard from my 15 year old daughter.  It was the most frightening scream.  Slapping the smile from my face immediately. Where’s my head at prior to the scream? I’m starting to...

A Place to Share, A Place to Help

What a crazy 2 and a half years!  It’s seems unbelievable.  Here’s a brief run down. January 2010 – daughter get’s ill May 2010 – father passes away June 2010 – brother commits suicide August 2010 – our Ford truck burns down...

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